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Christmas at the Edmonton Garrison Military Family Resource Centre

On Wednesday, December 13, The Gear Centre Group of Companies had the pleasure of visiting the Edmonton Garrison Military Family Resource Centre (MFRC) to help spread some Christmas cheer to the children of our military families. The Gear Centre Group recognizes the sacrifices that our military families make for our country.

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The wonderful staff at the MFRC welcomed us and introduced us to the children. Santa joined us and had a special gift and treat bag for each of the 94 children. Their excitement and joy won’t soon be forgotten. It was a wonderful experience bringing holiday joy to so many smiling faces. It truly was one of the highlights of 2017.

Click here to find out more about supporting the MFRC

The Gear Centre Group 2017 Food Bank Drive Results

We would like to thank all our customers and employees for their participation and support in this year’s TGCG Food Bank Drive. Company-wide we donated over 2, 600 items to local food banks, including $275 in cash. After the final count, our top three branches were Edmonton Administration, Fort McMurray (The Gear Centre, Pat’s Driveline) and Calgary (The Gear Centre, Pat’s Driveline, Hydra Steer and The Gear Centre Off-Highway). With an average of over 20 items per person, the top three branches donated to Edmonton’s Food Bank, the Wood Buffalo Food Bank Association and the Calgary Food Bank. Edmonton Administration Department will donate an additional $300 to the charity of their choice, the Fort McMurray branches will donate an additional $200 to the charity of their choice and The Calgary branches will be donating $100 to the charity of their choice. All donations will be made on behalf of The Gear Centre Group of Companies.

The Gear Centre Group Supporting our Military Families

This year The Gear Centre Group of Companies is showing their support of the Canadian Armed Forces by donating Christmas gifts to the children of our military families at the Edmonton Garrison Military Family Resource Centre on December 13, 2017.

For over 25 years the Edmonton Garrison Military Family Resource Centre (MFRC) has been committed to enriching the lives of individuals and families in the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) through positive action, education and support.

Absences from family support systems, difficulties  during deployments, solo parenting  or coping with an injury or loss are realities for military families: realities which can have a significant impact on family well-being.

Established in 1989, the MFRC has been committed to supporting military families as they navigate these unique challenges through programs and services that enhance the strength and resilience of military families.

Click here to find out more about supporting the MFRC.

The Gear Centre Group 2017 Food Bank Drive

Between November 15, 2017, and December 13, 2017, The Gear Centre Group and our partner companies are running our Second Annual TGCG Food Bank Drive in support of our local food banks. Food collected at each branch will go to that city’s local food bank to help those in need in our community over the holidays.

One CAN make a difference with a small donation of food to help the 860,000 Canadians who use a food bank each month. Our branches will be supporting Edmonton’s Food Bank, Surrey Food Bank, Lethbridge Food Bank, Medicine Hat and District Food Bank, Calgary Food Bank, Red Deer Food Bank, Wood Buffalo Food Bank Association, The Mississauga Food Bank, Food Depot Alimentaire in Moncton, NB, and The Salvation Army in Grande Prairie.

To find a drop off location near you visit